15 Mar Honored to be a sponsor of the TOWNWIDE FUND Of HUNTINGTON and co-founding partner David N. Altman
Brown & Altman LLP is honored to be a sponsor of the TOWNWIDE FUND Of HUNTINGTON and co-founding partner David N. Altman, Esq. is the Fund’s President. On March 7, 2019, the TWF held its annual Gala, this year a Mardi Gras event, at Oheka Castle. Thanks to the support of the Honorees, Attendees, Event Sponsors and Donors, the TOWNWIDE FUND raised over $100,000 for its Grant Program which will fund charities in the Town of Huntington that benefit those most in need.
The TOWNWIDE FUND’s mission is to collectively raise the quality of life in the Town of Huntington by funding vital health and human services for underserved residents through local charities To become a member or to donate please contact TWF at 631-629-4950 or go to the Fund’s Website at www.townwidefund.org.