01 Aug Brown & Altman, LLP celebrates its fifth anniversary: Real estate law firm founded by Altman and Brown
Serves as legal counsel to area’s leading lenders and looks to grow banking/transaction practice.
Melville, NY “It is hard to fathom thatit has been more than five years sincewe opened our doors for business,”said David Altman, a founding partnerat the Melville, Long Island basedlaw firm of Brown & Altman, LLP.In March 2008, with the national andlocal economy set on the edge of aknife, long time friends and colleaguesKeith Brown and Altman, began theirendeavor to become one of the area’sleading real estate firms. “Despite thedownturn in the economy more thanfive years ago, we have worked hardto achieve our goals and objectives andwith profound thanks and appreciationto our clients, friends and colleagues,I believe we have become a leader inLong Island’s real estate community,”said Brown, managing partner of thefirm.
“We started this practice with just ahand-full of clients, the desire to succeed,and the belief in ourselves that wecould grow a full service commercialreal estate law practice, despite all theeconomic signs,” said Brown. Fiveyears later, the firm services a clientbase that includes national retailers,Fortune 500 companies, as well asnational, regional and local lenders,and many of Long Island’s leadingbusinesses and real estate developers.
Click to read more (PDF): 5 year anniversary article 8-2013